Monday, 26 November 2012

Why is it always about sex?

Hello there my dear readers..!

Today I would like to share with you guys about women magazines in my opinion..

In general, I dislike reading magazines, especially women magazines, like Cosmopolitan, Flare, Cleo and Curve. Magazines like these just pisses me off. I'm not saying that they are completely ridiculous, but it seems to work out that way more often than not. First of all, I find it a waste to buy such magazines, and just so you know, they are not cheap. I personally think that the Cosmopolitan magazine should be banned. They produce articles with titles like "How to Wow a Man in the Bedroom". I really don't know what this world has become. Instead of coming up with titles like "How to Lose 40 Pounds in a Month" they come up with articles like "Sex position of the day", "Sex tips from guys", and "Sex advice". It's basically a magazine that does nothing but survey men about what they want sexually and the rest is telling woman what women should be doing. Besides that, these magazines also stereotypes gender. Most of the content and images of the Cosmopolitan magazines usually involve sex and sexuality and its target is usually towards captivating younger women. This magazine basically portrays both men and women in specific ways, focusing both on their gender roles. Most women in Cosmopolitan are shown beautiful, skinny and sexually attractive while men are shown muscular, physically strong and extremely gorgeous. But usually they focus on women more than men. Why is it that women have to be always portrayed so skinny and slim?  Why women are always sexually objectified? Women are always objectified because of gender discrimination. This is where gender inequalities pops in. Gender inequalities takes place because in this present world today, males dominate the female. It has been always like that. It's time to make a change. Coming back to the magazine, I would like to say that these things should be amended. Cosmopolitan should start portraying plus-size women. They should come up with more productive and effective articles.

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