Monday, 17 September 2012

Genre paves a way to infinite...

What does Genre mean to me?

Genre paves a way to infinite choices. It even plays a vital role in determining a person's desire. Sometimes when we meet new people, we tend to get so eager to find out what kind of person he/she is. Now this is where genre pops in. When you start talking to this new person whom you've just met, in the first few minutes itself you can already determine this person likes and dislikes. How? Thanks to "Genre"!

In my case, Genre has helped me to find and bring out the interest that I've had for reading books. My Genre in books is Romance. I started reading romance books when I was in middle school, Form 3. I use to hate reading books and when I started reading these romance books, I couldn't fathom myself. Each time I buy a book and read, I can't stop flipping the pages and I end up finishing the whole book in a day or two. I use to think, I can finish up reading a romance book which contains about 500 pages in a day or two, but I cannot read more than 5 pages of my school text book. This clearly shows how Genre plays a vital role in each and every individual. 

My collection of Romance books :)

I like reading romance books because it brings me to a whole different world. When I read, I tend to imagine and put myself in the picture. Reading romance books is the tool that I use to release my stress and it never fails to help me do it! :-)

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